(626) 365-7893


Choose from our healing services below:



Holistic Financial Education

Holistic Healing

Discover wellness through the power of Crystal Healing, Reiki Energy Healing, and Chakra Tuning Methods.

Schedule an appointment with us today!

Schedule A Session

Long-Distance Healing ($110)


30 Minutes @ $110

What’s Included:

  • Attunement Procedures Taught
  • Teaching Tools
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Meditations Alignment with Master Energy
  • Spiritual-Mental Evolution
  • Hands-on Teaching / Healing Experience
  • Healing Enterprises Inc. Workshop Participation and Support
  • Mentoring


Crystal Healing ($80)


60 Minutes @ $80

What’s Included:

  • Attunement Procedures Taught
  • Teaching Tools
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Meditations Alignment with Master Energy
  • Spiritual-Mental Evolution
  • Hands-on Teaching / Healing Experience
  • Healing Enterprises Inc. Workshop Participation and Support


    Fork Tuning ($75)


    1 Hour @ $75  

    What’s Included:

    • Attunement Procedures Taught
    • Teaching Tools
    • Meditations Aligning With Master Energy
    • Spiritual – Mental Evolution
    • Hands-on Teaching / Healing Experience
    • Healing Enterprises Inc. Workshop Participation and Support
    • Mentoring

      BOOK NOW

      Holistic Training

      Train to be a Holistic Energy Healer at your own pace. Our semi-virtual training environment provides you with the training you need to be a Reiki Healer on all levels.

      At each level, upon completion of your final test, you will receive a certificate of completion so you can be a Reiki Practitioner.

      Upon completion of your Apprenticeship, you are welcome to apply for employment with us. 8oflife organization is always looking for qualified practitioners to help our community with a much needed service.

      Register for Training

      REIKI Levels "1-2-3" ($99.99 - $280.03)


      Single Level Trainings | $99.99 / Level
      All Levels Package | $280.03 / Reiki 1, 2, & 3

      What’s Included:

      • Online Class
      • Teaching Tools
      • Meditations Aligning With Master Energy
      • Spiritual – Mental evolution
      • Hands-on Teaching – Healing Experience
      • Healing Enterprises Inc. Workshop Participation and Support
      • Mentoring

      Reiki Level 1   Reiki Level 2   Reiki Level 3

      Register for All Levels Package


      Reiki Self-Healing, Practitioner in Training ($290)


      $290 – 8 live training sessions, each 2 hours.

      An in depth study to begin your Reiki healing Certification process. Private 90 minute Reiki session included.

      What’s Included:

      • History of Usui System – Healing Explored.
      • Channeling Energy
      • Honu No Reiko – Self love
      • 4 Reiki Attunements – Empowerments
      • Introduction to 1st sacred symbol
      • Hand Positions and metaphysics
      • Chakra System – Anatomy
      • Kenyoku and Aura Cleansing
      • The five Precepts
      • Reiki Meditation and Visioning
      • Breathing Techniques
      • Emergency Treatments
      • 21 Day cleansing Period – Support

      Register for Self-Healing Practitioner

      Practitioner ($444)


      $444 for 8 one-on-one, 90 minute training sessions

      What’s Included:

      • Tibetan Mudas / Mantras / Meditations
      • Attunement and Master Sacred Symbols
      • Introduction to Attunement Process
      • Healing Expansions
      • Accelerate Spiritual Growth
      • Increase Personal Intuition – Energy
      • Harmonize Chakras

      Register for Practitioner Training

      Apprenticeship ($450)


      $450 for 9-month training program with one-on-one live training sessions

      What’s Included:

      • Attunement Procedures Taught
      • Teaching Tools
      • Meditations Aligning With Master Energy
      • Spiritual – Mental Evolution
      • Hands-on Teaching / Healing Experience
      • Healing Enterprises Inc. Workshop Participation and Support
      • Mentoring

        Register for Apprenticeship

        Master Healer ($490)


        $490 for 9 one-on-one, 2 hour training sessions 

        What’s Included:

        • Attunement Procedures Taught
        • Teaching Tools
        • Meditations Aligning With Master Energy
        • Spiritual – Mental Evolution
        • Hands-on Teaching / Healing Experience
        • 8oflife Workshop Participation and Support
        • Mentoring

        Register for Master Healer Training

        Holistic Financial Education

        We believe money plays a huge role in a person’s health. We believe money causes stress and in turn stress triggers ailments.

        Each week we host workshops on topics like basic finance, goal setting, or career development, focused on understanding money, discovering financial independence, and learning how to create your wealth. We approach this from a holistic point of view in order to build a healthy life for you.

        Schedule A Session

        Savings Tools (FREE)


        1 Hour FREE

        Learn about the tools available for you to start saving for your future.

        What’s Included:

        • Set goals and save for your goal.
        • Save for your retirement
        • Learn to live debt free


          Learn the Basics of Financial Statements ($20)


          30 Minutes @ $20
          Learn about the tools available for you to start saving for your future.

          What’s Included:

          • P&L
          • Balance Sheet
          • IRS
          • Financial Institutions
          • Management


            Living Trust and Will - Estate Planning (FREE SEMINAR)


            90 Minute FREE SEMINAR

            Learn about the differences of the following life altering tools and safeguard your assets and equities.  

            What’s Included:

            • Wills
            • Trusts
            • Financial Power of Attorney
            • Healthcare Power of Attorney
            • HIPAA Authorization
            • Advanced Directives
